Hi everyone,
Time for a question. I’m using several stacks in Foundation in this hierarchy.
Mask 2 Stack
-Image Foundation Stack
–Target Stack (centers everything within it on the Image above)
—1 Column Foundation Stack
----Image Foundation Stack
----Header Stack
----Paragraph Stack
-Image stack with a single color overlay the same size as the Image
The results of this can be seen at https://airportguide.com/index2.php
Scroll down to the Icons called Weather, Find FBO, Find Fuel, etc. as all of these are using the combination of stacks above.
As you can see, if I hover over the image, the mask fades out. The problem is I want to be able to click anywhere on the image, i.e., it should work like a big button but I can’t get it to work no matter what I do. Does anyone know if this is possible? It seems like the mask is blocking the links set up on the image underneath it.
Thanks for any suggestions on this. (@joeworkman @zeebe)
EDIT: I forgot to mention that not only is the image link set up but I also set up the mask with the same link. As you can see, the mask does not respond to the link when clicked