Clickable Mask Stack?

Hi everyone,

Time for a question. I’m using several stacks in Foundation in this hierarchy.

Mask 2 Stack

-Image Foundation Stack
–Target Stack (centers everything within it on the Image above)
—1 Column Foundation Stack
----Image Foundation Stack
----Header Stack
----Paragraph Stack

-Image stack with a single color overlay the same size as the Image

The results of this can be seen at
Scroll down to the Icons called Weather, Find FBO, Find Fuel, etc. as all of these are using the combination of stacks above.

As you can see, if I hover over the image, the mask fades out. The problem is I want to be able to click anywhere on the image, i.e., it should work like a big button but I can’t get it to work no matter what I do. Does anyone know if this is possible? It seems like the mask is blocking the links set up on the image underneath it.

Thanks for any suggestions on this. (@joeworkman @zeebe)

EDIT: I forgot to mention that not only is the image link set up but I also set up the mask with the same link. As you can see, the mask does not respond to the link when clicked

After much trial and error I came up with something that seems to work. My new structure looks like below. The difference is I added another Target Stack with an empty image containing a higher z-index. The image stack is an empty png file to the exact dimensions of the main image. So a clickable transparent overlay is now sitting on top of everything.

Mask 2 Stack

-Image Foundation Stack
–Target Stack (z-index 998)
—1 Column Foundation Stack
----Image Foundation Stack
----Header Stack
----Paragraph Stack
–Target Stack (z-index 999)
—Image Foundation Stack (transparent png with links set up)

-Image stack

If you check out the Sections Box demo by Big White Duck, there are lots of options/examples in the Hover pages

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