Clip path triangle create with custom component


Not sure this was intended but I have used the text field property to write the class name in the css, this means for this example I have written the same class as I duplicated the html component
example included, again preview in safari does not show image, does in Elements so revert background colour so I could check shape

Image resource path is fixed in the next beta, expect it early next week!


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Looking forward to it

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placed 5 custom component triangles, by just duplicating the component in a page, needs some layout adjusting for the text etc when changing to mobile and when wide, but changes in Elements, images will work later this week when next beta is released, I have created circles/ovals and arrows
wow I really like Elements```

trying wetransfer
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That’s really impressive! :+1:

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still needs some work on the component

added square as well as triangle more responsive now with position control

with wetransfer are you able to save when you download? I can’t save

not sure what happens when someone else copies either one or both of the html components to their copy of Elements

updates work great from my changes, I found it difficult to create the top banner in my previous upload, this is only Elements, it was easier before update, gave up
but my components work, I think, even in the mobile menu

Looking good - works here :+1: