Contact form not sending mail

Hi Support

My hosting company does only support smtp door sending an email via a contact form. i have used the standard en the contact form from Doobox. none of them are working for me. does anyone has a suggestion for a smtp contact form. i unfortunately not a coder :frowning:

Best regards


FormSnap offers smtp as does the Foundation form. Both are modular which means that you have immense control of form layout and content.

Hi Peter thanks for your reply.
when using foundation you will get a different theme aswel
so i will give formsnap a try :slight_smile:



I hope you like it. I’ve found it very good. In practice FormSnap is very similar to the Foundation form stacks and I sometimes have to look at the project files to check which I’ve used!

I’ve come around to @joeworkman’s way of thinking and always avoid using reCaptcha. Better to use a simple security question like ‘what is 2 times 4?’ with validation.

I’ve heard this before but never know the backstory. What is the downside to reCaptcha? I don’t have any allegiance to it (other than I feel like some sort of magic is happening when simply clicking a checkbox confirms my human-ness).

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Well, the main thing is just that it’s a bit of a pain for users.