Content Protection

I am planning a new educational website with a minimum of 800 pages to be protected, including a main menu page and 5 submenu pages.
I envisage members will login ONCE and then freely navigate around the site as required until logout at which time their access will terminate until they next login.
I am a RW8 user already.
I am hoping to use SITELOK.
My questions are…
(1) Does a successful login automatically afford access to all subsequent pages or do I have to protect ALL pages one by one.
(2) If all pages have to be protected individually by insertion of snippets, do I have to generate a new snippet for every page or do I just save and reuse a standard snippet for this purpose?
(3) What protection, if any, is available in Sitelok to prevent sharing of login details by a member.
My current teaching material is protected as a compiled website that is shipped as an exe file.
In addition each exe file is “locked” to a “hardware ID” of the computer each student is using. This is clumsy as it only works on a PC, or, an Apple computer that has PARALLELS installed, and when they change their hardware I have to manually supply a new “unlock code” for them.
I do not know how it runs on android/DOSbox or android/inno setup extractor. Also I dont know how or even if my compiled exe file cna be made to run on iOS.

So my new website needs to be accessible on PCs Macs iOS and android. Sitelok/RW will provide the accessibiity, BUT can I also prevent multiple users from using the same login details of one paid subscriber??
What are your thoughts on this please.

Tagging @vibralogix Adrian, who is probably best placed to answer the Sitelok related questions.

Afraid I can’t say much about your content protection system, it sounds a bit overkill to be honest. Is piracy of the material that big a problem that you’d need to implement such a system? Has it been a problem in the past that users were sharing one login to access material? Genuinely interested as I’ve been thinking of writing some RW related ebooks and distribution is a key consideration.

Hi David

You will need to protect each page but the same snippet can be used on each page so it’s pretty easy. Stopping sharing of login details is not an easy issue to solve but Sitelok does have a setting to stop concurrent account logins. This means that if user A shares the login with user B then they can’t both be logged in at the same time. If user A is logged in and then User B logs in, User A’s session will be terminated.

If you have any questions please contact me via the contact form on

I use SiteLok for all my course websites. Easy to implement. Fantastic support. Super happy with it for many years now.

Hi Paul,
Thanks for your message. You ask if piracy is a big problem. It has been an issue in the past. Humans seem to try many tricks to get something for nothing.
I have been selling my I/P stuff around the world since well before the Web became a method for selling.
Printed material was returned occasionally as “not suitable”, but you could tell that it had been photocopied because the spine was trashed due to 150 flat openings on the platen of the copier. Cost to me = refund of one sale Plus freight in todays money $30 out of my pocket. Partial remedy was to change to spiral binding so the item could be resold. Hasnt happened for about 10 years.
Another method common in the 1980s was to complain that the item hadn’t arrived in mail. Remedy was to make all overseas sales incorporate a fee for registration and insurance. Result: mail delivery always 100% and no more claims.
Since the electronic era began I have found my stuff appearing word for word on various websites around the world, including some universities. Cease and desist email bluff usually corrected these instances. Doesnt happen so often nowadays.
If you sell 100000 widgets @ $5 each one could easily absorb say 500 thefts.
But in my case sales for Intellectual Property range from $100 to $1500 and maybe $3000 each in the future.
I am happy for passers-by to pick fruit from my trees, but I would not be happy if they stole my car.
I am now thinking about collecting the ip address each time a member logs in. I know this is not foolproof as most do not have a dedicated ip address and many will use a VPN. However if one member started having bulk logins from around the world then you would have some idea who the rotten apple was and could remedy the leak. When I was collecting optin email addresses I used to collect the IP address used on the optin form. The code was something like…

$today = date("Y-m-d");
$IpAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

Overkill??? Perhaps. But why not make it difficult for the thieves if you can.
So maybe “Trust in God, but tie up your camel” would be good advice.

Thanks for your answers Adrian. I will be in contact with you soon and expect to be purchasing SITELOK

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Thanks Matthew,
I think I should be able to install SITELOK from Adrians instructions OK.

You just made a wise choice. I, like Mathew, have been using Sitelok for years. It is easy to install, works flawlessly, and the support Adrian offers is top-notch. It’s also easy to determine the IP Addresses users used when logging in. So, as you say it’s not foolproof, it will at least be easy to determine and sort them.

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Thanks Dave.

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