Couldn't obtain plugin principal class

Hi guys,
since few hours ago RapidWeaver (both 7 and 8) fails to load our plugins.


Does RapidWeaver check plugin certificates?

Nope, I’d imagine this is something you’ve done and it’s just local to your machine.

Hope that helps.


Yesterday I revoked the certificate used to sign the plugin, in order to re-issue a new one. This is what is logged into console now and, unfortunately, it seems to affect most of our user base:

/Users/gibo/Library/Group Containers/ Support/Addons/RapidCartPro.rapidweaverplugin/Contents/MacOS/RapidCartPro signature not valid: -2147409652

Not sure how this is affecting existing signed executables.

Any clues?

@dan FYI we’ve just released RapidCart Pro 4.12.1 which solves the digital signature issue.


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