RapidWeaver Classic vs Elements

I was looking over an old site in Rapidweaver Classic to remind myself how things worked there - it’s been 5 or 6 years since I used is.

It truly amazed me the difference between RWC and Elements (I’ll add my name to the list of people who think 'Rapidweaver should be dropped from the Elements name).

Here is the site in Rapidweaver using stacks:

and here it is in Elements:

They present the same in a browser but the difference in working in Elements with real WYSIWYG is nothing short of staggering.


Agreed! and while under the hood the app is still called RapidWeaver Elements, the naming on the front-end will be “Elements” and that’s what we’ll mainly use in marketing.

Yes, weirdly I don’t think this comes across in the Dev Diary video’s. It’s only when you start using Elements yourself that you understand what a huge difference this makes!