Does the RapidweaverCommunity site offer every theme out there or are there other options?

Getting back into Rapidweaver after an eternity away and looking for a modern easy to use theme.

In terms of options - is every theme that’s out there featured on or is there another site I can look at for more options?

There aren’t many new themes on that site, and a few of the themes I was interested in no longer seem to offer developer support.


I’m not sure there’s a more comprehensive listing elsewhere to be honest, but I don’t know how up to date it is.

I’m sure there are people here who could recommend a ‘modern easy to use’ theme is you can give us a bit more guidance as to what you’re looking for. Perhaps a link to an existing website/s that you like would be a start.


The community site isn’t well maintained. There are lots on the site that don’t exist or aren’t supported.

I’d suggest if you are looking for a conventional theme have a look at ThemeFlood’s site. They have a great selection and have free trial versions of every theme that you can try before you by.

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Appreciate the quick response. For the style of theme I’m looking for, honestly I love most of what Michael David Design offers, but I don’t think they’re offering support. Same goes for Brandon Lee themes. I’ll keep searching.

@Tdot I would second Doug’s recommendation of perusing the themes at ThemeFlood.

… I think you are correct overall. There ARE fewer themes being developed today. I don’t know how long you’ve been away, but the newer trend is to creating full-bodied frameworks (Foundry, Foundation, UIKit, and others). These have become popular because they offer more control over the look and feel of a site. Essentially frameworks are all-iin-one purchases: each one provides its own theme, plus a bunch of stacks that work well with it.

I’m not trying to say you should use a framework. That’s up to you. I’m just trying to explain why there is less activity in terms of theme development.

Thanks for the ThemeFlood suggestion. Some of the designs that I’ve seen from there aren’t my favourite but I’ll check out the site because I’m sure they offer more than I’ve seen.

Thanks Mathew. Never heard of the framework idea. Would you say it’s more complex to get a hang of than just a regular theme?
Where can I check out a list of these frameworks?

@Tdot ThemeFlood does a great job. Overall the themes there are quite flexible. In return they need a bit more imagination from you to see which one might be most useful. I think this is simply a natural “cost” of flexibility. Of course these themes are also quite nice: Premium themes for RapidWeaver

Yes, frameworks add more complexity. With greater power comes greater complexity. But @Elixir offers great documentation and video tutorials with his framework (Foundry). I don’t know if this is a good fit for you (though I personally love it). Check out the documentation here:

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I was in touch with MDD last year when they updated the Paramount theme for me. I still really like their stuff.

Weaverthemes also makes some nice, straightforward themes that are worth checking out.

Oh I actually like a lot of elixir’s designs. Good to hear they’re still offering support. Will check out the link, thanks!

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Definitely still providing support. Been at this since 2006 and am not going anywhere. :slight_smile:


Thanks Rob. Yeah I contacted MDD last month and didn’t get a response. Weaverthemes has some attracctive options. Appreciate it.

Also - can’t believe how quickly you all are responding! That’s amazing

That’s a huge plus. Not that I anticipate many questions but good to have that reassurance. Thanks!

In my opinion I would say a framework is easier to use. You start with a blank canvas and build with bricks.

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@Pyrobrit makes a great point. While frameworks are more complicated I find them easier to use. For me themes are like using something partially built and I have to learn what it can and can’t do, and then scrinch my design ideas into it. Frameworks are much more like starting with a blank piece of paper. I find that easier and more comforting. So for me a framework like Foundry is much more relaxing and enjoyable to use. But you do need to adapt a bit so watch the videos and read the tutorials.


Multithemes is also still actively developing and supporting themes:


Hi @Tdot, check . You can find complete projects running whit Foundation 6 and stacks only.

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