Easy CMS v1.3 Update

I released Easy CMS v1.3 this week and it has a ton of new features. I hope that you enjoy the update!

More Info at https://cms.joeworkman.net

This is a major update. Please review update video for details. Make sure to REPUBLISH ALL FILES.


  • All text content is encoded before sent to the CMS.
  • Protect no longer relies on cookies

New CMS Elements

  • New Number admin stack
  • Toggle stacks
  • Video stacks for YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia



  • New Image crop settings in image admin stacks allow you to define where the crop for the square thumbnails is taken. You have different settings for both portrait and landscape images.
  • New image validation rules on all image admin stacks. This will stop users from uploading images that will not look good in your layouts. Portrait vs Landscape. File Size, Min/Max height, Min/Max width.
  • Completely revamped CMS Image stack! Circular images, borders, new sizing controls. It can also bring in images from feeds, galleries, and blog posts
  • Default alt tags can now be user defined or can be auto-generated based on the meta tags of the image. You can place in the filename, title, caption and copyright information directly into the alt tags.

More Updates

  • When image uploads fail, the error is added to a tooltip when you hover over the red X.
  • For the image copy paths lightbox on the admin page, the preview of the image is also loaded into the lightbox.
  • New Image settings (sizing, circle, etc) migrated to Gallery, Blog Image and Blog Gallery stacks.

General fixes and enhancements

  • Hipwig is now supported and is the default text editor now
  • Admin Core stack will now warn you in Preview when the version of the CMS on your server is out of date.
  • Fixed various PHP errors that were discovered
  • Admin Core got some edit mode styling to make it a bit more useful like Site Styles in Foundation.
  • Some misc errors and warnings resolved
  • Alt + S should no longer trigger save on Windows
  • The delay between saves when using the save button hsa been removed.
  • Misc style fixes for some themes
  • improved uplaoding of large image files
  • Input placeholder ghosting fixed in Safari