ECWID - Commerce Platform issues

Hi All

Apologies if in wrong section.

Am evaluating ECWID for an upcoming project. Plugin installed in RW Classic 9.3.4

All seems easy enough… however, the pop up to proceed payment only appears / works sporadically.

Safari and Firefox - Caches cleared etc - Different themes applied to no difference.

Do we have any others here that have run into the same issue?


Wondering if that’s a local issue, have you tried uploading it to your server and giving it a test from there?

Hi Dan

Yes, all up and on the server in its own subdomain - and naturally, when I contact Ecwid - they see the pages display perfectly…

You can tell I’m desperate, I even downloaded Chrome to take a look ( same issue )

Do you want to post the URL here so others (and us) can test it for you?


Hit the Buy Now button and a popup will appear, select options

Its the Go To Checkout - that’s causing the issue, it pops up but is empty with what appears to be image placeholders.


It does indeed work here just fine

Could it be an issue with your network?

Have you tried on 4G, or on you iPhone? do you still see the same issue?

Ahhhh - Well, I reset the router - iPhone and iPad working fine - M2 Mac, not so much…

Time for a reboot and give it a go - thanks for your time Dan

Working for me in both Safari and Chrome on macOS 15.2