Just started to go through online manual. Under Downloading and Installation Step 1 refers to Finder menu when you mean Apple menu. Step 2 is specific to Sequoia (Sonoma doesn’t show this).
When you mention “mobile first” design and Google’s “mobile first” indexing, I get a little confused. As Elements comes we have a 390 x 998 breakpoint. Is that the mobile you’re referring to? Exactly where is Google’s thinking here? Is the 640 x 998 breakpoint “mobile enough”? Would be nice to put some specificity here.
I’m sure I’ll have more to say as I work through the documentation page by page. Is this the place to put it, or do you want it directly?
I have fixed this, but please not Finder previews are not enabled in current beta builds (I’ve also added a not to the manual about this).
Yes, we’ll revisit and expand on this.
The documentation is a work-in-progress as Elements is still very much in beta. A LOT is missing, but please know we’re adding new documentation and video tutorials every week.
If there’s some specific part of the manual you need, let us know and we’ll move it to the top of the list.
The manual is shaping up quite nicely, thank you for updating it as you go. It is very helpful to have relevant information from Dev Diaries right where they are most useful.
I’m aware we need more tutorials for all the components, and some nice tutorials on putting together page designs and websites, it’s all on the list to do!