In RW Classic I can alter the Meta Data for a page: Browser Title, Folder, File Name and Encoding.
I have just published an Elements test site locally which I am using Mamp Pro to access. Looking at the folder structure generated, I see Page, Page-2, Page-3 etc.
I can’t see how I can do this at the moment.
How in Elements do I specify the folder name for a page?
That feature was hidden in the initial betas (we were in the process of moving the UI around), but we’re starting to get it tidied up now. Fingers crossed the items you mention will be in the tomorrow’s beta!!!
Couple of minor things I have noticed. If you give pages folder names then on publishing the old folders with their contents aren’t removed; something to be aware of.
Secondly, if you enter a folder name for the Home page, it is accepted but then disappears when you navigate to a different page and back. I guess using a folder name for the Home page doesn’t make sense, so it would be better to not allow it by making the field non-editable when on the Home Page or mark it as such?
The folders are still there when you export a we don’t tidy or change the filesystem. It’s always been the same in Classic. Clear out the folder and re-export.
We’ll get the folder name of the home page fixed in the next beta. It should be disabled as it doesn’t make sense!