After using Elements for a few days there’s a few changes to the UI that I think could greatly help the overall UX. One thing I found is that I was often wanting the Components/Elements panel open at the same time as the structure. Having the structure panel grouped with pages, resources, and components feels awkward as pages, resources, and components all largely concern the site as a while, while the structure/node view is specific to the page.
I found myself often wanting to drop resources or components directly into the node view (which is currently impossible) but would have to drop them into the page, and then switch to node view and move them where I had intended - then switch back to the component panel and repeat the process. Being able to hide/show the node list while editing a page would also be really help - probably through some sort of toggle or edge drag. Also, placing the structure view beside the inspector panel increases the relation between the two, and makes it easier to quickly explore your page structure.
I also replaced the pages, resources, components icons (which are a little cryptic on their own) with a toggle select and took some liberties when shortening the names. FWIW I like the fact that the word Elements is now clearly in the UI, and is directly associated with the components, custom components, and global components (all the magic stuff) that users will use to create their site.
I also noticed that there was a fair amount of UI taken up by things that could better be placed elsewhere:
- license (should probably be in settings or the Elements menu)
- theme selection (should probably be beside the theme studio toggle)
- the device selection and dark/light mode could be moved to the main toolbar.
- a contextual toolbar could be placed between the app toolbar at the top and the page (in this example, text editing/styling tools (copy/pasted from Scrivener for illustration purposes only) when editing paragraph/text elements.