Emergency Website Manager

Good afternoon.

Was wondering if there was any protocol or procedure for any of you to have someone in a back-up position to take over the websites you have created and or manage in the case of an accident, illness or sudden death. I currently manage six different sites and really don’t have anyone in the wings to step in.

Are there any RW people who would want to sign on to do this?

I understand this is not for free.



Rich: Am interested and would like to review sites.

Thanks, Lyle Workman

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Thanks for responding. Please see list of sites below:






Currently working on this one, converting from a Wordpress site.


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I am the backup from several RW developers around the world…
What you get when you get as old as I am!!!

Rich: Very nice work. Let me know how I can help further.

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Hi Rich :sunglasses:, thanks for sharing and not beeing to shy to ask that question. It may be important to quite a few RW developers (and their customers).

I should add that I fully endorse @lyleworkman. He’s one heck of a guy… :slight_smile:

edit post wrong reply

Wrong email address.

Sorry for my delayed response I was on a deadline and sick!

So all the more reason to plan for this.

So Lyle as you see this do I?

  1. Provide access to all websites with passwords/FTP address/websites backed up on hosting site
  2. You wait to hear from me or someone else that something needs done?
  3. Based on the work you provide a cost and a timeline?
  4. Payment sent via PayPal or some other service?

Those are my initial questions so far regarding the Emergency Website Manager.


Richard: Hope you feel better. To answer your questions:

  1. Usually I export locally, check the work, and then use Transmit to upload to the customer’s site directly.
  2. Not sure what you’re looking for here, but I don’t do any work until contact directly.
  3. I work on an hourly bases; $75 per hour with the customer only charged for the time used. Time is usually available within a couple of days, but that may vary.
  4. Customer can be billed which can be paid via Paypal or check.

If you need more info, or clarification, let me know. You can call my office @ 925.458.0103.

Thanks, Lyle