Export Hangs After A Few Pages

This has been reported to you guys already but I have not heard back yet. The issue is an exception is thrown during the export function (found in the logs). I have mailed a vanilla project with about 40 pages (using stacks and styled text) and it is reproducible. I had a few responses from Brian but it has been 7+ days and radio silence. I would really appreciate a response as to where this is with development.

Hey @Brett,

I managed to look at your project yesterday and sent some questions back to support to pass on to you.

I might as well ask you here though. Does it work with minify disabled? (Settings -> General -> Advanced)




Thanks for responding back. That was the issue. I can now export but is
this a know issue and will it be resolved in a patch or next release.

Brett Venson

Pleasant Grove Church
1528 Davis Drive Cary, NC 27519-3603
Technology & Communications Team
Office: (919) 363-5198
Email: pgc.multimedia@gmail.com http://mailto:pgc.multimedia@gmail.com/

Colossians 3:4 NIV

When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him
in glory.

@Brett: excellent, thanks for confirming that. That’s a relief!

Yes, it’s a known issue and one that will hopefully be fixed in RapidWeaver 7.1. (We’re releasing a build to developers today that includes this fix, and they’ll be able to let us know if it’s fixed for them too)

Just tested V7.1. Upload failed at the usual point!

This bug drives me mad. I had to save project, exit rapidweaver completely and then reopen RW and open project, then click publish again… this is so frustrating :(, I will probably have to move to Wordpress again…