Recently, I updated my Copper theme. It changed a lot of things on my site, but I’ve been working on them trying to get it back to how it was before the best I can.
The main problem I am having is that now there is a white horizontal bar across the top of the body area of the pages. I believe it is a container for extra content areas, 6 and 7. In the Page Inspector, there are other containers for extra content that are numbered and can be hidden, but it does not show container 6 and 7, including a way to hide it. I don’t want this white space across the top of my pages! Is there a way to remove it if it’s not listed in the Page Inspector?
I would include a link to one of the pages, but I don’t want to publish them yet because of all the other problems on the page that I’m still trying to fix. Any help would really be appreciated!
I would include a link to one of the pages, but I don’t want to publish them yet because of all the other problems on the page that I’m still trying to fix. Any help would really be appreciated!
I would recommend publishing (at least the part of the page in question) to a secret (except to us) location. To another URL or even just an inconspicuous folder on your own server. That way we can have a look and give you specific advice.
OK, I knew you would want the URL, but I was afraid to publish it because I didn’t want to mess-up the rest of the site. Anyway, I published a page with the problem, and I will try to include the URL in here. I tried to publish just that one page, but it published 441 files. I hope it didn’t put a lot of funky stuff up there that will mess me up later. Hopefully, I can delete it all later. Oh yes; I did try some CSS that was similar to yours, but it didn’t work for me. Nice talking with you again!
that top skinny one is #banner if that’s the one you are referring to. not sure
try this is the page css, you should see the effect in preview. If that’s what you want, put it in site wide css
Yes, the top skinny one is the one that I was referring to. I put in your CSS, and it worked! Thank You!! It’s amazing to me how you do this! I wish I could troubleshoot the way you guys do. You fixed it so quickly, and I just spent the past two days pulling my hair out! Thank You! Thank You!