Yeah. It’s pretty unintuitive. You sign into the Twitter account you want to use and then go here - .
You then click Create New App. Follow the instructions to create a new app (I know you don’t want to create an app but this is the way Twitter delivers access tokens). Give it a name, description, URL and callback URL (I usually use the home page of my site for both of these) and then agree to the T&Cs and create the app. After that you should see your access token and any other info you need.
I’m attempting the same process, but It’s not working. I don’t know if I should be using the Consumer Key and Secret, or if I need to use the Access Token and Key within Social Stream Stack. Will I be able to see this in preview as it does on Social Stream’s tutorial video?
Great suggestion! Now it works. I even tried to then get FB to work and then Twitter stopped working, so I removed the stack and started over.
Now I can’t seem to get FB to load. Do you know if it’s possible to have more than one Social Stream Stack on a page (one for FB and another for Twitter)?