Filter Stacks Comparison

Could anyone compare these filter stacks that has used any two of them?

  1. Doobox Software / Stacks

  2. Filter

  3. Stack Filter 2 by Maik Barz


  5. SortStack | Stacks4Stacks

It looks like Barz is the only one that will let me sort in order and filter in the stack. Yabdabs looks the simplest to use and the examples are good with Hunter coming in second place to my eyes and use.

Ease of use and sorting are two key things stacks4stacks always has a lot of features but I get lost often in the way they are laid out.

I would love to see a comparison if possible if that can be made.

I use yabdab’s filter stack + Doobox Hunter Stack.

Yabdabs is the most advanced. Most expensive too… not surprisingly.

Both are great. Yabdab offer an option to enter search words / terms – where Doobox uses predefined search words.

So depends on what features you want / need…

DeFliGra · Stack’oholic | Mac’oholic | Web’oholic | Stacks for RapidWeaver

Thank you for the very helpful information and nice website!