Showcases for Filter Stacks

Hi, I am searching for websites where I can see live examples of using a filter stack effectively. May it be yabdabs´ filter stack, stacks4stacks´ filter stack, barz´ stack filter 2, dodox´ hunter 3, joe workmans pointer stack and what else is out there.
I have investigated the developers homepages - but I am more interested in live sites - maybe you have built a website and used one of the filter stacks. then please post your URL or drop me a private message! Thank you.

Here’s a simple example of Hunter -

And again here -

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And here with Yabdab Filter:


thanks to you both! The yabdab example is slightly what I am aiming for…

Also consider the SortStack that lets you filter items by category:

Plus loads of other sorting / reordering tasks.


I would rather head for your filter stack; is it compatible with total cms? …and is it possible to insert other 3rd party stacks into each item like the focus stack from elixir?

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