Fixed image gallery in a responsive RW theme? Is it possible?

Hi everyone :slight_smile:
I’m new here and currently need a little help.

I have to build an image galery of 24 pictures. It must contain stylized thumbnails - and upon clicking - a sequence of detailed illustrations.
I’ve uploaded 2 screenshots in effort to illustrate my idea.

This task becomes even harder because that gallery must remain with fixed rows and columns (non responsive! The thumbnails have to stay in their sequence!) in a responsive RW theme with minimum width equal to horizontal tablet size.

What would you do in my place?
Any suggestions?

My tools: RW6 & Stacks 3

Thank you!
And sorry for my English,

Possible with Gallery Stack 3 and the FTP / Web folder integration:

You are able in that case to use a separate thumbnails folder for your thumbnails, so that they look different to the full size images.

Thank you for your advices, Jannis!

The use of a separate thumbnails FTP folder seems to be a reasonable (maybe sole) solution.
The GalleryStack with its huge versatility is perfect, but as I have RW6 I couldn’t use the full functionality of that stack. Maybe I should buy it with a future upgrade to RW7 in mind.

Appreciate your help,

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Yes, the preview inside RW does work flawlessly only in version 7.

Cheers, Jannis