FormsPlus 1.9.5 - How do I use the Submission Template

With FormsPlus 1.95. and RW 8.4 I have created a form for registering courses:

Ich erhalte eine Bestätigungsmail an die im Formular als Besucher eingegebene Adresse. Allerdings erhalte ich nicht die Daten auf die Adresse, an die die Anmeldung gesendet werden soll.

If I have understood the principle correctly, then I enter the mail address in the FormSubmission-Template in the line “Email List” (see picture). And is it correct, that I have to enter all fields again manually, whose contents are to be sent? This seems to be quite cumbersome … is there no way to do it automatically?

Greetings and thanks for any help

Notifying @barchard

I changed the mailadress, works now fine. Perhaps my mistake by typing a space …

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