Foundation - Cannot find Font Awesome!

Sorry if I’m making a rookie mistake somewhere but I’ll ask anyway. I saw somewhere that font awesome is supposed to appear under the Foundation styles settings, but cannot find it. The most recent tutorial video(Responsive Layouts in Foundation in Responsive Sites With Foundation) does not mention this either, only that you need to copy over the FA code from the FA website. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.Thanks.

Font Awesome is baked into Foundation. I do not believe there is a setting for FA in Site Styles. All you need to do is insert the FA code from the FA icon page.

For example, if you wanted to add a snowflake to a TopBar Menu, you would just add
<i class="fa fa-snowflake-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
And it will show up in the TopBar in Preview.


Many thanks. That is certainly how it’s explained in the rapidweaver tutorial. The confusion, for me, arises when Joe talks about being able to view FA settings in the Site Styles stack -
It is also shown in one of Joe’s tutorial videos (from 3mins 44secs).
Maybe they have recently removed this feature, as I cannot find it on my version of Foundation.

The video tutorial you posted is actually Joe’s Font Awesome stack

That link, will be removed today, this was in REALLY EARLY versions of Foundation and are no longer in the stack.

That would explain the confusion! Thanks.