No worries.
It’s always a bit of a jumble when a new OS version comes out and everyone is trying to get all their releases out. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what component update triggered the change.
But hopefully this one is all fixed.
This bug is actually a good story, so let me end this thread with how we, as a community of competing and cooperating developers worked together to fix this in a nice way.
Story Time!!!

We had a little discussion yesterday about this bug in our private developers’ chat.
The root of the problem is a Stacks v4.0 API bug. It’s not a big problem so Several developers have worked around that bug with a little patch.
Last week, thinking that only one developer had made this patch I went ahead and corrected the problem, and made arrangements with that developer to remove his patch at the same time so we didn’t over-fix the problem.
However it turns out that there were several developers who made similar patches. Oops.
So yesterday as a group we decided compatibility and a smooth transition was more important than correctness and the small corner case that the patch doesn’t cover. So v4.1 re-added the v4.0 behavior.
I should say, not every developers was 100% on board. Correctness does have its merits too. But I think I managed to herd all the cats together for a consensus. 
Once an API is out in the wild it becomes written in stone. Fixing the bug would hurt more things than it helped. It would cause real problems.
We will, as a group, migrate together to v4.2 where we’ll fix the bug the right way, but we can allow developers to opt-in to that new API when they’re ready. And when everyone has opted in we can deprecate and eventually remove the old function.
It takes a little more effort to manage API transitions smoothly, especially in a group that’s not always of one mind, but I think it’s worth it in the long run.
End of story time.