Good news for LiveSearch with Total CMS

Good news regarding the search option for a TCMS site: LiveSearch can now search the blog entries as well!
LiveSearch by 1LD ( is a cool site-wide search toll that works without relying on Google or DuckDuck, which is why I prefer it to most other search stacks (those show results on a page of the search engine and tend to drive people away from my site).
The problem was that up to now LiveSearch didn’t search the blog entries because it didn’t know where to find them. I have talked to Jonathan and we discussed the option to hint LiveSearch to the blog sitemap that is automatically created in the cms-data folder.
Jonathan was kind enough to include an option for additional sitemaps into the stack and when I told him I have a few sites that use more than one blog he extended the option for a comma-separated list to include multiple sitemaps (see pic). He will be releasing this version in appr. a week or so but permitted me to post this already.
Thanks a ton, Jonathan! Great work!


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