Google docs video link


Is there a method/stack to play Youtube/Vimeo videos, link to which is in the Google docs spreadsheet?
I found two stacks from 1LD and Weavium, but they can’t do this

Thank you!

Playlister from @willwood appears to be a solution. It will load videos from a CSV file if I’ve read it correctly.

There’s a free demo stack you can test it with.

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Audio or video?

PlayLister only does audio, so I’m not sure that is what the OP wants.

Oops, I should have read it more carefully.

One solution could be to organise the video clips into a custom playlist on the YouTube website:

Then display that playlist in the website using the uTubeChannel stack:

Of course, that is YouTube only. I don’t know of any stacks that can merge YouTube and Vimeo content together into one remotely editable player via Google Docs.

There are also plenty of CMS stacks available for RapidWeaver that allow a person to login to a webpage and add embedded video.

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Thank You @willwood ! I’ll test it.

Also i have JW’s VideoWall stack, and can use it for my task, if i choose to play with YT internal playlists.
But currently it have some important restrictions for me: only external video player (lightbox or extra placed stack), too many info in the YT player window, not hided YT suggestions on pause and sometimes strange video sorting. So i keep to investigate :sunglasses:

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