Grid using custom html component 85% complete download

thought I would see if I could control a three grid layout just tailwind and Elements

Lots to do, the cols and rows were fixed for the grid not set a lot up yet

I even have one of the grids scrolling, kind of shows in part how grid works

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about 80% complete, poor resolution video, good exercise to practice Elements

you can now have 1 2 or 3 grids

Not added margins, drop zones or text boxes yet

@dan I highlight the override circles for each screen size, at end of the video, is there a way I can hide these


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I’m not 100% sure what you’re up to here, but it all looks really cool :metal:

you can try here

I just need to hide the override circles next to my controls and leave the Elements controls with the overrides

not sure what settings I left in the custom Element

Still a few typos in this version

borders radius etc are still linked from mobile settings

a stripped back version, not finished, using drop zones only

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further to Dan’s grid video, ok a few % moved on in my learning stage and my grid Custom HTML Element

Almost decoupled everything from mobile anD desktop, only padding left

This is just grids with 3 grid items, position anywhere and resize, remove grids, drop zones removed for now
CleanShot 2024-09-04 at 20.43.31

I have added 3d views as we’ll

Elements makes this easy

Started to learn Alpine JS now, so time away from this

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CleanShot 2024-09-04 at 20.56.19

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restarted the backbone now just a copy and paste exercise to have all options working, have a different workflow now, so will be quicker, change from 3 grid items to 5 grid items hopefully

wanted to have a background grid to make it easier + a great learning exercise for me

Elements is really great just trying to learn alpine js but keep wanting to try different things in Elements

see video below

Nice work Steve!

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moved on from video above

added some controls back in, a few more to add, didn’t bother centring etc for this video as file would be too big

can turn off grid element, dropzone and grid layout/background

CleanShot 2024-09-08 at 08.08.39

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@dan is there a way of removing the override dots?

CleanShot 2024-09-08 at 15.13.22@2x

about 85% complete works I think, maybe odd bug if I didn’t copy paste replace 100%, checked out of most it

I have left the 5 grid items in both md and mobile showing, grid setups can change both size and grid size,

turn off grid items you do not need in each grid item area

the only thing to be aware drop zones need to be overridden for mobile and md with Elements, easy enough, otherwise they show in the other both screen sizes

by the way the images are mine no copyright issues

there is a mt-12 in the html

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To turn off the responsive override, set the responsive property to false in your component configuration!

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Dan thanks just realised it was in the manual, I had seen it but forgot

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