Has any one used the strata theme by nick cates?

am thinking of switching my current website theme from bravo to strata. when i did a test page, the photos did not show up after i published my page. has anyone had this issue. it does show up in preview…but maybe because it is cached on my computer. it was suggested that i needed to republish my whole site. am terrified i will lose everything. has anyone had these issues? how did you fix it? trying to make my site google friendly. after 15yrs of being on 1st page in organic searches…i’ve dropped to 3-4 page. site is www.sackettridge.com


Strata theme is utterly fantastic. One of the best you can buy. The issues you describe are almost certainly not attributable to the theme. Much more likely to be due to items missed or silently failed during the publish. Most likely remediated by choosing “Mark all files and resources as changed” and republishing all again. Worst case scenario you might need to publish your files using a third party FTP program, but the RW publishing engine usually gets there in the end.

Why do you think you will lose everything? What is that based on? Strata is a very Google friendly theme to use. Responsive. Fast. Clean. Content orientated.

I would second that, just wrapped up a site using Strata. Top notch.