Strata Theme by Nick Cates Fonts not working correctly

Anyone have issues with the Strata theme? When I select the font in the theme tools section it just switches from serif to san serif but the font doesn’t change. What is going on? Site isn’t published yet. I am using Rapidweaver 5.4.1 and Stacks 2.7.2 Any help would be appreciated.


Just a guess, but did you already try to change the setting for “Consolidate CSS” in the “Advanced” settings of RapidWeaver? Maybe this helps…

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Thanks for your reply… I checked and Consolidate CSS was checked… I unchecked it and boom the fonts work! Thanks so much!!

No problem, happy weaving! :slight_smile:

Thanks for helping out! :slight_smile:

Glad to help. :+1: :slightly_smiling: