We’re looking for testimonial videos from customers who love using RapidWeaver.
Do you love using RapidWeaver? Maybe you use it for your own business website, or use it to build website for clients, whatever use RapidWeaver for, we want to hear from you.
If you’re interested, here’s what you need to do:
Your video can be recorded using your built-in webcam, iPhone, or DSLR we don’t mind. It should be no longer than 60 seconds. In the video you just need to introduce yourself and say what you build with RapidWeaver and why you use it (no editing, no music). This is just a rough guide, but honestly feel free to do whatever you like, just keep it natural and honest.
Once you’ve recorded the video, upload it to Dropbox, or your cloud sharing service of choice and drop me an email (dan@realmacsoftware) with the following:
A URL to download your video testimonial
Your name, business name (if applicable), and website address
We plan to use these videos on our website for marketing purposes, we will of course include a link to your business/website. I’ll drop you an email once your video is live on our website.
In return for your time, you’ll get free RapidWeaver upgrades for life.
I would love to partecipate at the testimonial video like a freelance fan of rapidweaver but first of all I want to ask if I can record in my original language (Italian). I do not think I can be myself speaking in English.
Let me also know the expired time for video presentation.
Thanks and BUON TESSIMENTO! (Happy Weaving)
Sounds great Dan In which language you prefer? I’m from Belgium so can do it in Dutch (my mother’s language), French or Spanish (I live in Spain so speak most of the time Spanish). Or in English of course if you wish.
I can do it over the next weekend, not this weekend, don’t know if I will be still on time?
(expired time)