⭐️ HELP! We need your Video Testimonial for RapidWeaver! ⭐️

Thanks guys, keep them coming!

Sending one to you now :slight_smile:

@dan Are you still looking for video’s ?


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Oh yeah, always.

Just make sure it’s the raw video, no editing or jazzy music :slight_smile:
Oh, and do make sure it’s filmed in landscape, not portrait (with your phone).

Had a few videos with the above issues, and it means we probably won;t be able to use them :frowning:



Mine was portrait iPhone. Shall I re-do?

@robbeattie oh yes please (thought I emailed you about it, maybe it got lost), that’d be awesome!

Does that mean there’s an issue with mine?

I will try to send you one begin next month if it’s still okay for you.
Thank you

I did mine in portrait too… redo?

@LSPhoto, Oh yes please if it’s not too much trouble!

I am very attracted by the new features of Rapidweaver 8 and would like to upgrade it from version 7 but before to purchase I want to know if this proposal is still valid or if it has been withdrawn-dismiss.
Thanks for the answer.


Having done the video twice I’d be interested to know if the free upgrade offer still applies. I’d completely forgotten about it!

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just drop support an email - support@realmacsoftware.com and we’ll sort you out :slight_smile:

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