can anyone help me as to why my themes are loading up and what I can do to solve this

many thanks


Is your version of RWMultiTool compatible with RW7? I think it should be at least 2.2.2.

its a new rapidwqeaver and I bought rwmultitool literally 2 days ago

I don’t own Multitool but this thread suggests it only works with certain themes:

Also there is this post from their website:

• Why when I launch RWmultitool I don’t see any theme in the theme list of RWmultitool?
Probably there are no editable themes in RapidWeaver folder. Please, make a copy of a Default RW Theme or install a Third Parts Theme.

RWmultitool opens only the Themes placed in the folder named:
/library/application support/rapidweaver in RapidWeaver 5 (RWmultitool for RW5)
/Users/youraccount/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6/Data/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver/Themes/ in RapidWeaver 6 (RWmultitool for RW6)

If you want to edit a RW Theme you must first make a copy of it inside RW (Theme Drawer) or place a downloaded third parts theme in that folder.
Note: If you cant see any theme installed in the theme menu, enable “view all themes” check.

The file location is for RW6 but you could try the same process for RW 7

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Hi cheers for the help

I am still struggling as im quite new to this but haven’t got any idea on what to do to add the themes into RWMULTIWEAVER

many thanks


if my RWMULTITHEME DOESNT WORK does anyone know a CSS code to change the banner on this

Did you try this from your other post:

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