I’ve set up 2 stack files (one for mobile, one for tablet and desktop) on the website Im building.
On smaller devices and viewing in portrait mode.
iphone SE, iphone 8 my landscape content is hidden and the portrait one is shown. Which is correct.
However on iphone x and iphone 8 plus my landscape content is shown and obviously doesn’t look right. I‘d like this to also be portrait. But I don’t appear to be able to force the content?
I was hoping to fine tune these by using the turner stack and have also downloaded the rotten apple stack, both great stacks, but only generic in terms of what they see, i.e. mobile or a screen size.
Anything iPad size and above is fine (all viewed in Landscape). Its just these 2 middle of the road devices that are causing me the problem. I don’t do code, so I was hoping for an out of the box fix, is their such a thing?
You really don’t want to be duplicating / having different stacks set up to show for different breakpoints. This gives you (at least) twice the amount of work and really shouldn’t be necessary. Is it a particular stack that is not showing properly for you? If you’ve got a url that we can see then we might be able to give some advice.
And with Turner stack, you should be able to target a range of screen widths (i.e. min width to max width) if you really do want to just target a message to certain devices with the method that you are currently employing.
To be honest Stuart, its all still a big learning curve for me at the moment, and any advice would be most welcome, thank you! I’m sure I’m doing a lot of things wrong, and it may just be that I‘m not using the stacks/breakpoints in foundry correctly. However, if I want content ranged left on an iPad or above and content centred on a phone within a set stack, i can’t see any other way of achieving this without doubling up my work flow (and as you say making it harder for myself) - I’ve had to double up on the logo at the base of the page as well, as I couldn’t get just one to view correctly in all devices, it was either too big or too small.
I don’t have a URL as yet set up for this job.
But here’s a few screen grabs, hopefully to give you an idea… the first one is how it looks on the SE & 8 (correctly) and the 2nd on the X and 8 plus. The 3rd is iPad landscape and above. (correctly)
Just found the little plus button, I didn’t know that was clickable… and I‘d set one of the breakpoints on the mobile up wrong, so that makes the world of difference, thanks for your help. Cheers Jon