I am using RW 7.0.4 and I have a set of web pages that are nearly all photos and captions, but some text and I’d like to add some movies. How do I do this?
So I take it this is a stacks page? Joe Workman has an HTML5 Video stack that will allow you to do this. There are other video stacks out there as well that will do this.
As Rob said, there are plenty of ways to do this but a bit more information would help.
Are you hosting the videos yourself or bringing them in from YouTube or Vimeo?
Do you want single video clips or something like a video gallery?
The more you tell us, the better we’ll be able to help.
Dear Robert and Rog
Thank you both so much! I have the two Workman Foundation stacks, and will obtain the HTML5 Video stack. That should work well for me. I am hosting the videos myself – they are clips I shot myself – and they will be single video clips within pages full of photos and text.