Hi there.
I can’t seem to figure out how to populate the information in the “Date”, “Size” “Type” columns when using the Photo Album plugin…
Thanks for any advice on this…
Hi there.
I can’t seem to figure out how to populate the information in the “Date”, “Size” “Type” columns when using the Photo Album plugin…
Thanks for any advice on this…
You can’t single-click in their fields to the right of each row and enter those as text - as you do with ‘Caption’?
Hi MarkSealy.
Thanks for the response.
I have been trying to “right click” in that field - but nothing happens.
This morning I tried “left clicking” in that field and it does open up. I can type text in it - but when I leave that field either by tabbing out of it or hitting enter - whatever was entered in there disappears…
Thanks for any guidance…
I feared that might be the case. It may be a question of very precisely identifying the position of a field whose typeable width is only one character. I doubt it’d ever be right-clicking…
If n/g, I’d open a ticket with RealMac; they’ll help. Good luck!
Email sent to RealMac support…
Thanks for trying…