Hi all, i have been trying my best to make some sense of Fonts and the files that are important to be able to use them in a RW project, prompted mainly by trying to make sense of JW’s Font Pro stack and InStacks Custom Font stack i have now got the files for a few fonts ending in .woff .svg .ttf .eot .otf woff2
along with these files i have a .css file which i have pasted above, but nowhere is there any information on what that .css file does (i do know where to put it LOL)
do i still need the .woff etc. files if i have that .css file in my project ??.
this is all basic stuff i do realise, the answers are probably very easy for all of you.
Hi @joeworkman I have been in touch with Robert again regarding Font Pro, it still isn’t going very smoothly for me, i then got to thinking, very dangerous i know “me thinking” , that if i could understand how to use the CSS above i might not need to rely so heavily on Font Pro, afterall i only want to use an alternative Font in my project, realistically Font Pro, if and when i can fully understand how to use it, is far too powerful for what i am trying to do.
I don’t really see how Font Pro can be ‘too powerful’. It does what you want and it makes it a lot easier. As it’s a Google Font, it’s particularly easy – you don’t need any of those font files. I’ll walk you through it if you like.
Comic Sans isn’t a Google Font so you would have to buy it with a license suitable for being used as a web font.
@timmytoad Also be aware that if you are serving Comic Sans as a web font from your server, you will have to take appropriate measures to stop someone from stealing the font, by implementing some .htaccess restrictions, to satisfy the Comic Sans Police.
I don’t believe there is a free version of it so anyone using it as a web font should be aware of the issues. Of course it may not be Comic Sans but some other font renamed as Comic Sans. Who knows. I expect it is Comic Neue with is a free font.
@instacks thanks for the link, i have had a play with your Stack which is excellent, i may well use it fully yet, i am not sure yet, i am struggling with FontPro, but i am getting help with that as well, so maybe the end is in sight
I have an answer to your issue, but allergy shots and basketball camp has kept me from responding. I will do so in a little bit. It is a very simple fix.
Thanks for your InPut chaps, it probably does seem a bit strange for me to ask about CSS and Fonts in the same breath. But in the Zip file with the ComicNeue font files, was a CSS file, very similar to above, and i thought what have i got to do ?, to make use of it, perhaps if i knew how to use that CSS i wouldnt need any Font Stacks at all
Just to put things right, i obviously gave you all, the wrong CSS file at the top of the shop !, i have now uploaded the original CSS file that came with the ComicNeue Font Files, please find it at - http://timmytoad.org.uk/font.css.zip
Sorry for the confusion i created with ComicSans.
Happily, i am now getting on better with the FontPro stack, thanks to @zeebe
If anybody at all can make sense of all this, it would still be good to know what i Can or Should do with that CSS file !.