When I took over support of a particular site it contained hundreds of pages where styled (OSX) Pages text had been copied and pasted into text elements. I’d like to convert all this text to Markdown. My main concern is tagging Bold and Italic text as font, size, etc can be set by Theme and CSS).
I think one way to do this is to copy from RW and paste back to Pages, then save as rtf and convert to markdown finally pasting back into RW. I’ve done a few tests and this seems to work OK.
But with hundreds of pages I’m thinking of a more automated approach. Perhaps a script to pull the appropriate html (main content) from exported (local) site and converting the content to markdown.
I’m not necessarily looking for a final solution, (that’s great if it comes) but comment, ideas, etc.
So… Ideas? Thoughts? Comments? I appreciate any and all responses. Thank You.