There are a few stacks out there that can do this. One is called Points by Joe Workman. I work for Joe, so if you have any questions about Points, let me know.
Looks like Will Woodgate of Stacks4Stacks just released a similar stack called ImageMapper2, you can read about it here:
I would also suggest searching the Realmac Community site here
Not exactly sure what you would search for, but you might find some of the other ones there.
In particular, using tooltips would provide a similar effect to what Facebook uses for people tagged in photographs. There are lots of options to style and recolour tooltips in HotSpotsPro. It could be setup so that tooltips appear when you mouseover faces. The tooltip could contain the name of the person. I think it should work quite well.
There is a free demo version of HotSpotsPro, so you can fully test the stack to see if it comes close to what you want.