InstaViewer stack updated to version 2.0

What is it?
Instagram has proven to be a very popular photo sharing service; a great way for individuals and companies to share creative quick-snaps online and connect with new people. Our InstaViewer stack makes it super-simple to embed up-to 60 photographs from your Instagram account into your RapidWeaver website. Photographs are embedded in the format of a responsive grid. Optional captions, locations, like counts, comment counts and links can be displayed under each thumbnail.

Clicking or tapping on a thumbnail image can reveal the full-size image inside a responsive lightbox, complete with the image caption as a title.

InstaViewer is fully responsive and compatible with lots of web browsers and devices. In edit mode, many settings exist so you can easily customise the style and behaviour of InstaViewer.

What’s new in 2.0?
Just about everything! This is almost a completely brand new stack; featuring a new icon, new underlying source code for the thumbnail grid and lightbox, and a lot more customisable settings. The code used for pulling images into the page from Instagram is brand new, for improved reliability. The old FancyBox lightbox effect has been replaced with Nivo Lightbox.

How do I get the update?
The update is free for existing customers. If you purchased InstaViewer after 1st August 2015, the update is available automatically to you within Stacks or you can login and download it securely from your Paddle Locker. If you purchased InstaViewer or Instaviewr before 1st August 2015 and you want this update, please get in contact via email, remembering to attach your receipt or other proof of purchase.

Where can I learn more about InstaViewer?
Simply head to the product page for InstaViewer. This webpage hosts all the documentation for InstaViewer, a live example to play with and a free demo version of the stack you can download and install into RapidWeaver. InstaViewer is compatible with both Stacks 2 and Stacks 3.


Bought it yesterday. It’s looking very good. Oops! No i didn’t. It was another stack, but it does look good.

Just bought this. Awesomely simple to use and a third of the price of other stacks that do the same job.

Thanks Will !

Great, thanks for the feedback!

Hi Will,
I know that the maximum instagram photo are 20… there is a way to just show… let’s say 12?

The 12 most recently uploaded pictures to Instagram or the 12 oldest ones in the set of 20?

12 most recently uploaded

Add this custom CSS code to your webpage containing InstaViewer:

.instaPicture20 {
     display: none !important;

This code will not stop all 20 images downloading onto the web browser or device as the page loads. The hidden images will still be available to navigate to within the lightbox. But it will hide the final 8 thumbnail images, in the set of 20.

Each thumbnail receives a sequentially numbered ‘instaPictureX’ class selector, letting you target them with CSS.

1 Like

super … I will try!! thanks!