Internal Page References

I’m stumped trying to figure out internal page references.
I created a site–it’s working well.
But I need to add an additional page.
I created a page in a separate RW 7 project.
Opened the existing RW project.
Dragged new page in.
How do I link to this page?
When i publish, the site looks like:


The menu names for all pages are not “index.html” but common menu item names. When I try to link to these pages by giving the full path I get a “The Requested Page Could not be Found” Rapidweaver message.

For example, this code is not working:

"<h2> Get the <a href="http:mysite/page-4/index.html"> Code!</a>"

Any thoughts?

You really need to pause and learn how RW does this. There are several ways. If these other pages are in your navigation menu’s they will be automatically linked. Child pages can set as sub-menu links also. I have no idea why you would create a separate project to add another page. An entire site is done in one project. Also, you can rename the folders and files if you want to. They don’t have to be “page-1,” “page-2”, etc.

Your link looks wrong to me (missing back slashes). I believe it should be


There is a way to link to page manually (if they are not in nav menu) by using the link button. So you really need to pause and do some learning on the basics of how RW works…

It would do you well to read some tutorials, watch some videos, etc… Getting off to a good start in setup (page naming, linking, etc) is important.

What type of pages are you using? Styled text? And the version of RW?

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Greg is right on.

If you’re linking to A page on the same project use the built in link tool and select a page instead of URL.

Is not a valid URL. You can manually code anchor links if you want but they would need to be published first. And would need to be a valid URL.


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To be able to reuse content.

It looks like internally the references are simply to /page-X/index.html without the full path.
I’m using RW 7, a Joe Workman theme, Stacks, a columnar stack (amongst others) but here it’s an html stack.

Actually, I usually hand code references and I had forgotten about the internal link tool.

Thank you for the help!

The link tool isn’t available when writing Markdown, or in my case, using the otherwise wonderful Scribe stacks plug-in. RW doesn’t use a full URL, instead it’s “pageX/index.html”. I wonder if there’s some global way to change the page references. You can change the names in the Inspector, but do these changes propagate to other pages when the site is generated?

Also, my understanding–at least as of RW 6–is that there really isn’t much in the way of documentation. Some of the developers have their own tutorials, but there isn’t even a video describing all the changes in RW 8.

Just speaking for myself, one of the things I do for every page I create is reset the RW default page name (and directory/folder) to one of my own choosing… I do this for every page. So a “folder” may be named “store” or “docs” or “reports” or “members” and then the appropriate pages (and folders) placed in those. - You do not need use the RW generated info. I never do.

Not sure why you’re asking about RW6? That’s several years old as RapidWeaver 8 has just been released. Here’s a link to RW 8 videos

Also some videos here for RW7 most of which still applies:

Page names and folder names(directories) in the inspector will be carried over to published pages. If you use tidy links in advanced settings you need to leave the page names as index html or PHP and change the folders name.

You can name the pages whatever you want in the “Pages” area, but this isn’t carried over when the site is created. I assume you are talking about renaming the pages under the Meta Data (sic) section of General Settings in the Inspector.

I’m not asking about RW6. I am simply pointing out that since RW6 documentation has been an issue. The new RW8 has but one video discussing changes. A Youtube search for “rapidweaver 8 new features” yields a result about Rapidweaver 7. Is there a manual, even for RW 7?

Sometimes I feel like RW is like a committee that doesn’t issue clear decisions. There are at least two places to add CSS, for example, (Settings=>Code and Html Code=>CSS) but it’s not clear why neither work. I assume that the CSS is being overridden by a theme, but different themes yield the same result–which is off topic–but the non-working internal link button while working in Markdown–who would have thought?–isn’t. Nor is trying to figure out why font settings don’t seem to persist. I’d be happy to RTFM if one existed. I could go on, but there’s no reason to be combatative. On the whole the program is a solution for rapid web development.

Since no two page’s can have the same name may I ask why would you want them to “carry over?”

I do agree that RW is lacking in detailed docs for each version.

The reason for “two places” for css is that one is global (for the project) and another is local (for that single page only). The same is true for prefs. Prefs on the main menu at top is for the app (global) while prefs down in the page pane are for this particular project.

Font settings can be affected by many things. For example, if rich text is pasted in that will be the font (generally not desired)… font can be set by theme, font can be set by user by the html font dropdown, font can be set by a setting within a stack, etc…

These are the types of things that often (always?) are not documented and they sometimes leave the user a bit bewildered… (including me… see my post this morning with a queston about the Web Server Port… I don’t find that in docs anywhere…) Web Server Port (Advanced Settings) Practical use? RW8

The link above currently has 14 videos on RapidWeaver 8 and is growing, RW8 has only been out for few days.

Don’t know about your search, again go to the links above.

There’s a RW7 manual. I don’t have the link handy, I’m not at a Mac right now. Perhaps some else can help out.

They both work perfectly fine with proper valid CSS. One area (settings) is for site wide changes, the other(page inspector) is for that single page.

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RW7 manual (pdf)

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@Greg Schneck

If I name a page: Photos; then name another page: Documents; then a third page: Files under the “Pages” RW left window and then publish the site, there will be no pages named, “Photos, Documents or Files;” instead after site generation there will be folders with names like, “page-1,” “page-2” and “page-3.”
The original names of the files did not “carry over” or were not used when the site is published or generated.

@Doug Bennett

Here’s some page-specific CSS that is supposed to expand the ToC for RW’s built-in blog. No effect what -soever. Yes it should work…but doesn’t.

#blog-categories:before {
content: “Blog Categories”;
display: block;
font-size: 120%;

#blog-archives:before {
content: “Blog Archive”;
display: block;
font-size: 120%;

.blog-tag-cloud:before {
content: “Tag Cloud”;
display: block;
font-size: 120%;

#blog-rss-feeds:before {
content: “RSS Links”;
display: block;
font-size: 120%;

As @1611mac mentioned in a previous reply, you really need to “pause and learn how RW does this”. You are fundamentally misunderstanding the process.

See attached image. On the left is where you put in the names that will show in the menu navigation: and that’s all. On the right you can see how you can create the name for the page that will be exported. This “carry over” that you speak of is a misguided assumption on your part about how RW works.


But why would RW not automatically follow the naming conventions you’ve created in the example where you’ve named the pages, Home, Learn, Play, Locker, etc. Instead, it requires you to manually enter this information twice. That may be how RW works, but I don’t see the point of requiring two manual entries. I suppose it’s possible that someone might want to obfuscate the URL rather than have it identified as you have here (e.g., Home, Learn, Play, Locker, etc.). There may be a real reason why someone might want to name a folder after a random number, or yesterday’s winning lottery number. If you do not enter a special name–for the second time–RW will provide you with a name. But rather than use the name(s) you have chosen, RW opts for “page-1”; “page-2” etc. It would be interesting to know the reason for this design decision.

Without seeing the CSS in context it’s hard to say why it’s not working for you. CSS rules are applied by the browsers not RapidWeaver or any other website building product. You are assuming that you’re adding CSS and it’s going to automatically override the CSS already being applied to those elements by the theme.
More than likely the CSS you’re adding is in fact not being applied because of CSS Specificity rules.

If you would like help overriding CSS there’s lots of folks here on this forum that will be happy to jump in and help. Their going to need a URL to at least a test page.

More can be found here about Specificity:

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The page names and folder name are used for different things. The page name on the left side are used for navigation links, they can contain font awesome icons, spaces and are usually shorter in size for spacing.
The folder name becomes part of the URL to the page and for SEO purposes can be longer(more descriptive) can’t contain icons and best practice is not to contain spaces.

Now could rhe name being generated be improved on, yes. I would at least like RapidWeaver to prompt you to change that name when you add or duplicate a page.

Thanks. I merely copied the CSS from here: I’ve sent them an email, maybe they will respond.

Here’s another place where it seems like duplicate manual entry is required. 32%20PM The enabled permalink seems to be asking for a title that has already been entered. Of course, you could use another random number, I suppose, or some other text to obfuscate the title. But then why put, “my blog post title?” Why is that different from the blog post title which has already been filled in??

Again a URL would help you get help.

You wrote you are using a Joe Workman theme. I would contact him directly. It’s possible there’s some code in the theme that overrides the basic blog CSS.