Is there any way convert a project from RW 8 to RW7?


I bought RW 8 and stack 4 but I think I hurried to buy new version. I have a lot of problem as follows;

1 - image name is not correct instead of my image name it is writing different image name


</div></div></div></div><div id=‘stacks_out_168_page1’ class=‘stacks_out’><div id=‘stacks_in_168_page1’ class=‘stacks_in com_joeworkman_stacks_foundation_orbit_stack’><ul class=“orbit” data-orbit data-options=" animation:fade; timer_speed:10000; pause_on_hover:true; resume_on_mouseout:true; animation_speed:500; stack_on_small:true; navigation_arrows:true; slide_number:false; slide_number_text:of; bullets:false; circular:true; timer:true; variable_height:false; next_on_click:false;"> <li data-orbit-slide=“slide-1”> <div id=‘stacks_out_167_page1’ class=‘stacks_out’><div id=‘stacks_in_167_page1’ class=‘stacks_in com_joeworkman_stacks_foundation_image_stack’><div class=“text-center prevent-reflow”> <img class="" oncontextmenu=“return false;” draggable=“false” src=“files/small_167.jpg” data-interchange=’[files/small_167.jpg,(default)],[files/medium_167.jpg,(medium)],[files/large_167.jpg,(large)]’ alt=“Plastik cerrahide Güven”/> </div>

</div></div> </li> <li data-orbit-slide=“slide-2”> <div id=‘stacks_out_173_page1’ class=‘stacks_out stacks_s_hidden’><div id=‘stacks_in_173_page1’ class=‘stacks_in com_joeworkman_stacks_foundation_image_stack’><div class=“text-center prevent-reflow”> <img class="" oncontextmenu=“return false;” draggable=“false” src="" data-interchange=’[,(default)],[files/medium_173.jpg,(medium)],[files/large_173.jpg,(large)]’ alt=“Plastik cerrahi de Tecrübe”/> </div>

</div></div> </li> <li data-orbit-slide=“slide-3”> <div id=‘stacks_out_174_page1’ class=‘stacks_out stacks_s_hidden’><div id=‘stacks_in_174_page1’ class=‘stacks_in com_joeworkman_stacks_foundation_image_stack’><div class=“text-center prevent-reflow”> <img class="" oncontextmenu=“return false;” draggable=“false” src="" data-interchange=’[,(default)],[files/medium_174.jpg,(medium)],[files/large_174.jpg,(large)]’ alt=“Plastik Cerrahide Memnuniyet”/> </div>

2 - Links are not working in RW 8.4 preview but work in the server.

3 - Turkish language problem (UTF-8). RW do not generate Turkish character (şiçüöğ)

Unfortunately I created a web site in RW 8 but a lot of problem. Is there any way to convert this project RW 7.


It’s hard to tell what you are talking about from the “sample” you provided. If you are going to include code when posting here on the forum, you need to select the code and mark it as code </> write above where you type.

Trying to figure out what is in the image from above, it looks like you are using foundation image stacks. It seems as though you dragged the images into the sidebar?
I don’t think that hasn’t changed from RW7 to RW8 or stacks 3 to stacks 4. If you drag an image into the sidebar of a stack. it will get an automatic name. With the foundation image stack, you can choose the warehouse option. That will keep the name the same.

I’m not having any issues with links working in preview RW 8. I just tested both an external link and a page link. If there is something more specific you can give.

I don’t know about that. I don’t think anything changed from RW7 to RW8 in regards to UTF-8.

Just copy and paste. I think though you are assuming the problems you are having are because you are using RW8. I doubt that’s the case. RW8 is over a year old, so I don’t think the issues you are having are related.

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