Joe Workman Google Maps does not showup in Foundation website [SOLVED]

I made a website with Foundation.
I wanted to add the GoogleMaps stack from Joe Workman for a responsive map on the website.
It shows itself in the preview of Rapidweaver7, but after uploading it to my server it does only show code?


One possible issue is PHP. Does your server use PHP 5.6+?

It’s a minimum requirement for the stack to work.

I thought that too @NeilUK , but we have 5.6 running on the server.
For me it looks like incompatibility beween Foundation and this Stack… but i cannot find a solution yet.

I don’t have that stack to be able to test it, but I doubt it’s an incompatibility issue as @joeworkman makes both stacks.

@NeilUK is correct, there is no incompatibility as you can see here:

This is something that probably should be handled with a support ticket, send an email to support(at)joeworkman(dot)net

Done @zeebe !
I did send an email for a Support ticket.
Also thanks @NeilUK for your time.

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