Kuler SQL pagination in base stack?

@Gary OK. I have zipped up just two pages of the site.
The Home page and Ancient (with many many books on!)
There is no SEO stack used. The security stack is only in use on an admin page (so I haven’t included them). Equally the CMS stack is only used on the Home page - so is not included on the others anyway. However I have removed it.
Pretty much stripped down.
Are you sure I have haven’t ticked some Settings box wrongly. It’s so odd that it works for you, my stacks, theme etc RW are all up to date yet it doesn’t for me. Sorry!

I am struggling to find the database address for you. It is called anita_military and you have the domain. I am awaiting the guys who run my server to advise me.

@jnorris235 -
It looks like you are using FastHosts for you hosting. If you look on this page: Creating an SQL database in your control panel

and go to the bottom it sort of tells you how you can find the IP address of your database

@gary No, with Innovative in Seattle.
may be it - normally they get back to me within ten minutes…

@Gary. Cannot get outside access to the database unless you give your IP address. I could zip up a small part of it if you havent had enough?

@Gary - getting anywhere with my pagination, please?

@jnorris235 -

Have you tried version 1.6.7? If not, then update the stack to that version and let me know how it goes.

Aslo … I have this product that I am fixing’ to release

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That would be very useful, @Gary. I’ve used a number of CRUD scripts and they’ve all been, er, cruddy!

OK thanks - basic question - is the stack on my page in RW automatically updated to the new version (1.6.7). I have closed and reopened RW, the new stack is sat in the stack list but the stack on my page is still showing 1.6.6. On each of my 80 pages. Each full of stacks inside each one - please tell me I don’t have to rewrite all the pages…

@Gary taking courage in both hands - any way to have a search box on the page so client can find a product within the 31,000 books in the database (without downloading the whole shebang which I think is how your Search function works at present)

Open you RW project and go to a stacks page … any stacks page and open up your stacks library.

Clic on “Updates” and the Stacks plugin will check to see if there are any updates to your stacks. If there are it will give you an opportunity to update all of them or select ones.

No, thats all done. New stack there automatically. But all my pages still show the old stack, wondered indeed hoped those 80 pages will automatically get updated to the new version becaue it hasnt happened so far.

You only have to update a stack one time not once for every project you have or even every page.
Just one time to update. You may want to completely close out of RW and restart it and after you do that then EVERY RW project that uses that stack will automatically upgrade.

Now, it WILL NOT update your website, you will need to re-publish pages to your website so they can benefit from the update.

Thanks. I only asked because i had closed down the project and RW too and it didnt update to the new stack. I will see tomorrow.

@Gary RW is playing up because it downloaded your new version automatically but did NOT in fact. Said it had, but in Finder, no. Updated stack in project, no. Been on another thread about this and eventually. Pro Table is there.
And… you’ve cracked it - I now get pagination, search and buttons for print etc.

One oddity - first screen shot shows web site display (haven’t updated actual web site yet), second screenshot shows local web site (using ampps). I’m suddenly get a red circular + sign instead of the second column appearing. And if I click the + it becomes a - and the second column appears beneath it.

I’ll keep playing, but no settings were changed…

That green button is supposed to be part of the “responsive” feature built into the DataTables Framework. In the next update I will provide an option to remove it.

It is supposed to do that on smaller screens, this way the visitor doesn’t get lost in all of the content on a small screen.

@Gary. Ah im red/green colour blind. So, finally got there but cant use it cos it blocks out a whole column of data. Ill play tomorrow in the hope that i can persuade it that it it isnt mobile, or check that it works ok on a desktop (which would get me thru til you change it). Close!

@Gary Unfortunately, though you have the pagination solved, I cannot even update my site because of this new button that hides a column, and I need to! So I’m stuck. Shame you popped that in last minute as all my book details are listed in the 2nd column, the one you’re hiding from view!! Await you making that feature optional …
Pity the ProTable stack isn’t unpinnable within a partial (me having to replicate 80 pages!) since it has different keywords in every page - yet I now need to tweak a setting for the background colour now that the pagination details have emerged.

Hi @jnorris235 -
The responsive feature isn’t new, it has been there for a few years and have not received a complaint on it to date (except for you). However since you are in a bind, I will see if I can add an option to remove the responsive nature of the table and push that out today.

Also, for the sake of everyone else that keeps getting notices in their inbox with each posting, perhaps it would be better to move this to a private email instead.


Many thanks. Will await 1.6.8 of the ProTable stack.
The responsive feature wasn’t there last week!
End of thread, then.
Bad news for you - I bought the CRUD stack…
Thank you once more!

Jon Norris

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