Subject says it all…looking for Floating Image Stack that will accept a warehoused image. Thanks!
You could use Floaty by Joe Workman.
The Smart Float stack by Marathia will do this. Others may also allow you to used warehoused images, but I don’t know any off quick-top-of-my-head.
Here’s the relevant link:
Thank you both! Perfect!!!
BetterFloat (free):
Just pop an Embed stack or HTML Stack / Image tag in the ‘float’ area. Content can be set to either wrap-around the element or treat the floating element like a column.
It’s buggy right now (waiting on a stacks update), but with the new resouce manager in RW8 you can add a remote resoruce to RapidWaver, and then Drag them to any place you need including the included float stacks…
OMG! This is awesome! Thanks for the head’s up!
So far in my.testing it’s working pretty good. @isaiah has a fix coming later today to stacks for local resources.
Allso check out the Unsplash stuff, pretty cool.
I posted the update a bit earlier today. In the end we did not need to add any more fixes to Stacks – so if you’ve tested the beta this release is identical.
If you have installed the beta you won’t see this release – you’ll just see future beta releases.
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