Map Bewilderment
is a test page (Foundation, Stacks & stacks all up to date) with 3 types of map:

Joe Workman’s Points 2 (Foundation Warehouse images)
Doobox Map 2 (Google Terrain with Snazzy Code)
inStacks OpenStreetMap (Esri WorldStreetMap)

Have tested these maps on Desktop, Samsung Tablet and iPhone with Safari, Chrome and Firefox. Everything works as expected, except for:

Doobox Map 2
Safari, Firefox & Chrome on iPhone plus Chrome & Internet on a Tablet - click or touch and all pins vanish, screen locks

inStacks OpenStreetMap
Safari desktop - click on any pin or on the map and the hand symbol becomes permanently locked

I can just leave the site working with Points 2 maps (no API, GDPR problems) but really want to find the source of the conflict. Any clues / hints from weavers gracefully accepted.


l’m using which is free and reponsive.
Moreover you can place as many pins as you like.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

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