Menu translation by RWML stack does not work properly

I set up my website in English (as primary language) and German. For translation I use the ‘RWML wrapper’ stack. All menu points / web page names do translate correctly, only one doesn’t:

‘Office chair’ should translate into ‘Bürostuhl’. But it does not.

Instead it translates into ‘Office Stuhl’ (English and German combined).

Maybe it gets irritated because I have another menu point / web page name which is ‘Chairs’. This one translates correctly into ‘Stühle’.

Is it possible that the translation gets messed up, because it translates the first word of ‘Office chair’ before it reads the whole noun? What can I do to eliminate this mistake?

I’m not sure what stack you are using here. I thought that RWML was a stacks4stacks(@willwood) product. Does Joe have a wrapper stack for RWML?

Ah, looking at my ‘library’, the ‘RWML menu’ which contains my menu translations, has its own section called RWML. Other RWML stacks come from ‘multi’. Don’t know how these sources are called correctly. Anyway, I eliminated the source name in my original post.

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