I have a 2 year old site using the Endeavor theme by Michael David Design. Its worked great and still is, except when my client and their viewers opens it in Microsoft Edge… for some reason pages are messed up and sliders no longer work. They are getting feedback with teh same issues. Has anyone else experienced any problems and know if any patches?
I contacted Michael David Design this last week and have not heard a response yet.
I’m sorry to hear you are having some compatibility issues with Edge.
I don’t have a version of the Edge browser to test on so I won’t be much help her, but I wish you the best of luck.
If you cant get Endeavor to work maybe you could build out the site using @joeworkman’s Foundation stacks.
Thanks for the heads up
Anyone else needing to test this you can get a VM from MS at https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/windows/
More bloody headaches from Microsoft to code around.
My suggestion is make sure you theme is upto date rebuild a page stack by stack plugin by plugin and see which one breaks the site.