Moving to a new computer

Bought a new iMac and need to move Rapidweaver7 from a MacBook Pro to the iMac. I managed to install Rapidweaver, now how do I get the themes, plugins, stacks and projects to the iMac? Is this documented somewhere?

Open RW7 on MacBookPro, then Rapidweaver Menu (Rapidweaver 7) > Alt key > ‘Reveal Addons folder’. Copy Stacks etc to USB stick, Repeat on iMac > copy back. For any items requiring a serial number you’ll have to re-enter it.

Don’t forget to deactivate the RapidWeaver registration in the RapidWeaver 7 menu > Registration then Deactivate License. If you don’t might not be able to register your new iMac.

Each license can be used on up to two machines. If you need to recover your serial number visit

Thank you Dave, Jonathan and Brandon for your help. Dave, I tried copying the stacks to a USB stick and copying them to the iMac stacks folder. However Rapidweaver program does not recognize these files. I have downloaded things like stacks3 and stacks that I could find the download links for and these work fine. Am I doing something wrong ? Thanks again! John

I can’t answer that! - I moved all my stacks from a Mac Pro to an iMac recently using a USB stick with no problems.