Need some help - php warning!

Sorry, I don’t have a clue about this message, that appears after I published the site… can anyone help ?
“PHP Warning: Unexpected character in input: ‘’ (ASCII=92) state=1 in E:\home\primeiroenxoval\Web\index.php on line 335
PHP Warning: Unexpected character in input: ‘’ (ASCII=92) state=1 in E:\home\primeiroenxoval\Web\index.php on line 335
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in E:\home\primeiroenxoval\Web\index.php on line 335”

Without seeing it in context (URL would be helpful) it’s hard to say for sure.
An ASCII 92 is a backslash \ that’s about all I can tell from the message.

Make sure that your host is running the latest version of PHP. Preferably PHP v7.2

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This may help…

Thank you all for the input; I think it is - as Joe pointed out - because of the php version… (Unfortunately clients do have the tendency to buy cheap hosting plans… - now, to change the php version they are running, which is 5.2, they need to upgrade the plan…hehehe…)

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