New: XXL2-r and XXL2-r Flickr themes

The XXL2-r theme is one of the most versatile themes that I’ve ever made.

The theme has an option for a full screen background slideshow, so the new XXL2r is suited for your showcase and portfolios and resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio.
There’s a Flickr version of the XXL2-r theme in the download file too. It pulls all images from Flickr.

The background slideshow has optional some Slide Controls: Slide Caption, Progress Bar, a Pause/Play button, a Show/Hide Button (so your visitors can hide the content when they want to see your images) and Previous/Next thumbnails.
You can choose between different image transitions: fade, slide, carousel with different directions. And of course the speed, length between transitions and much more.

This is a demo of the theme
Here’s the Theme Info
• And you can download a free trial version of the XXL2-r theme in my store

Get 25% off when you enter the code HVXXL2rnew2016 in the shopping cart window and hit the update cart button in my store.



I’ve updated both themes and added new options:

  1. NEW: if you choose the Theme Styles > Slide Controls > Thumbnails Tray Button, in the middle an up arrow shows up. Click on it and a row with thumbnails shows up (with or without dotted overlay), example.
  2. NEW: in the Theme Styles choose the font and font-size of the Footer and SlideCaption.
  3. Fade transition is improved.
  4. Improved background image effects.
  5. Improved the manual.


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I just love this new theme of Henks. I’m still getting to grips with both it and RW but I’m quietly chuffed with the way my walking blog works. I have to say I had a bit of help from Jonathan of Nimblehost who managed to quickly resolve an issue I had making his Armadillo blog play nicely with Henk’s XXL2-r theme.

This is my blog - I’ve still to get to grips with some of the css, but on balance I’m very pleased indeed. Thanks Henk!