NewsTicker 3 now available

The first Tsooj Media stack I have updated for Stacks4Stacks. This update significantly modernises the stack and fulfils every feature request received. As part of the update, new documentation has been written for the stack and a free demo version is now provided, so you can download and “try before you buy”!

Changes in version 3 include…

By request, text now scrolls infinitely like a marquee effect
Improved responsive behaviour (text no longer truncates or wraps onto extra rows)
You can now toggle between styled text, HTML or Markdown content types
New option to start the NewsTicker visible, on page load
Added a line height setting
Built-in a few more colour options, with support for RGBa opacity
You can now safely use multiple NewsTicker stacks on the same webpage
New icons, new meta data and support links
Added the possibility to update the content remotely using a simple CMS like Cushy or Surreal
Decluttered and refreshed the editing interface to make the stack easier to use

NewsTicker now requires Stacks 3 or later.

This is a free update for anyone who purchased the original Tsooj Media stack on or after 1st July 2016 - please get in contact with a copy of your receipt to receive a 100% coupon code.

Until August 1st 2017, NewsTicker is available at 50% off for new and existing customers - no coupon code necessary.

Learn more…


Oh looks good! Great job. :slight_smile:


Will, thanks for your policy of try before you buy. I always turn first to developers with this policy. Thanks also for all you do for the RW community.


Instant purchase :grinning: