AdvancedPublisher is like a personal assistant for your website! This set of powerful stacks work in conjunction with server-side PHP code to efficiently hide or reveal time-sensitive content. Perfect to use for special promotions, events or simply to alternate the content shown on a webpage. You can also hide and display blocks of content, based on URL query strings. AdvancedPublisher is easy to setup, safe, reliable and compatible with almost any other content stacks placed within.
Changes in version 4 include…
- Rebranded the stacks from Tsooj Media to Stacks4Stacks. New meta data, icons, stack names, update checking facilities and support links
- We are now making use of some special API features introduced in Stacks 3.5 to enable faster previewing of pages that make use of AdvancedPublisher stacks
- All the AdvancedPublisher stacks have received improvements to the editing interface and instructions. Instructions can now be toggled off in the base stack
- AdvancedPublisher stacks no longer display surplus settings like Background, Border, Layout and Responsive. These are still all style options you can apply to the stacks you place inside AdvancedPublisher stacks
- Fixed some validation errors, caused by a mismatch of opening and closing HTML tags
- Some stack settings have been regrouped and improved. Some new information tooltips added to certain settings
- New warning displayed in edit mode, if you add any AdvancedPublisher stacks without first adding a ‘base’ stack
This is a free update for existing customers; obtainable from your Paddle account or by getting in contact by email with proof of purchase.
If you are new to the idea of AdvancedPublisher, click here to read more information about this stack and to download your FREE demo version.
AdvancedContent requires a minimum of Stacks 3.5.